Articles by Oupa Lehulere

The recall of (ex-president) Thabo Mbeki – its meaning and lessons


The recall of President Thabo Mbeki was not only unconstitutional in terms of the ANC constitution, it also revealed deep undemocratic tendencies within the ANC, and its tendency to ignore its own constituency when making important national decisions. This development will have negative implications for the ANC’s accountability as an organization.

Cronin & Company Harness Marxism to the Service of White Monopoly Capital


In this article Oupa Lehulere argues that Cronin and his party comrades are using Marxism to defend the interests of white monopoly capital. Lehulere critiques their attack on Malikane and shows how their attack on Malikane is in defence of white monopoly capital. Lehulere further explore the theoretical and strategic errors of Malikane himself.

The Long Shadow of the de Klerk Regime


The transition to democracy in South Africa deepened the structural inequalities inherited from apartheid, and notwithstanding the democratic gains the transition has reinforced the power and wealth of the apartheid ruling classes. The current crisis in South Africa owes its origins to these features of the transition.

The Corruption of a Dream


The struggles between President Zuma and Pravin Gordhan has been portrayed as anti-corruption struggles against one individual and one family. The reality is that what the struggle is about attempts by a black middle class that has been blocked from accessing the commanding heights of the economy, and a white monopoly capitalist class that still exercises enormous power in South African society.

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